CAU Innovation GmbH carries out scientific projects of various sizes and types on behalf of external partners.
The range is very broad – from small analyses or measurements to multi-year contract research projects.
You can find a selection of current CAU Innovation GmbH projects here.
February 2024

"SCENE" - Language-sensitive care education
Nursing training at schools and universities is undergoing a process of change due to the new Nursing Professions Act (PfBG) of 2020. Nursing is a communicative profession and language skills are increasingly becoming an important part of professional competence.
January 2024

Operational Group (OG) "ProcessPig"
Operational Group (OG) “ProcessPig” – Data-driven process analysis for context-sensitive management of functional areas to reduce emissions and promote animal welfare in free-ventilated pig houses with outdoor runs.
June 2023

Looking into tomorrow today: 1st Innovation and Transfer Day at the CAU
Technology transfer includes the exchange between research and industry, the patenting of inventions and the drafting of industry and license agreements.
CAU Innovation GmbH
Die CAU Innovation GmbH führt wissenschaftliche Projekte unterschiedlicher Größe und Art im Auftrag externer Partner durch.
Sie finden hier eine Auswahl aktueller Projekte der CAU Innovation GmbH.